6113H 6 Inch Mini Dredge

Product Details
Our 6113H is a dream to operate and is powered by a GX390 Honda Engine. Equipped with our new HP500 is capable of pumping up to 500 GPM and provides up to 180 feet of head pressure. The new pump design has duel discharge ports capable of running a “blaster nozzle” to blow out bedrock and clean crevices. The new KAC provides an air supply for two divers with ample air to spare. For the serious gold prospector, or even the professional, requiring portability and performance. Increased suction power enables the user to pull rocks from over a foot away and moves a tremendous amount of material.
Net weight 410lbs.
GX390 Honda Engine
Pump Model PHP500
KAC Compressor
PJ6T20 Jet
Flotation = PF525
30 Feet Suction depth
0.75 Gallons per hour
16 Yards Per Hour
20 Feet Hose Length
Net weight 410lbs.